Suggestions Form for Cary Library in Lexington, MA.

Have you checked our catalog to see if Cary Library already owns this item?
The library welcomes input from the community concerning the collection. All suggestions for purchase are evaluated using the same selection criteria as for other materials and are not automatically added to the collection. Have you checked our Library of Things or catalog to see if Cary Library already owns this item?
In an effort to support community interests and showcase local talents, the Library welcomes applications from members of the public interested in presenting programs at Cary Library. Programs should be the presenter’s original content and reflect topics of interest to the community. All programs must be offered free of charge to the public. Fundraising and advertising is not allowed in the library. Please submit proposals at least four to six weeks before the proposed program date. Library staff will review all submissions and be in touch. The decision of the staff is final.
Tell your reader what they will see, hear or do at the program and why they would want to attend. Please describe your program in 1-2 paragraphs.
Please submit a brief biographical statement of the program presenter(s). Include accomplishments, education, employment, licenses, etc. that you feel qualify the presenter(s) for the above proposed program. The library staff may use this biographical statement to introduce the program.
Cary Library's mission is to ignite curiosity, engage minds, and connect our community. Tell us why you think your program would appeal to library patrons and how would it fit our mission?*
I agree not to apply for any grants or partner with other organizations in support of this project until I consult with library staff.
Business / Organization Information
Please provide contact information for the organization and it's presenter(s).
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