Cary Memorial Library offers a wealth of resources to assist you with company operations and data to inform you in today’s competitive market. Our reference librarians are happy to assist you with research, interlibrary loan and readers’ advisory services. Call us at 781-862-6288 Ext. 84410, contact us at our email Ask a Librarian service, or visit us at the reference desk.
Of particular interest to the corporate community are those on the following subjects to be found in the listed Dewey Decimal call numbers.
- Accounting 657
- Advertising/ Marketing 658.8
- Business Planning 658.401
- Customer Service 658.812
- Law for Business 658.022
- Management 658.401
- Taxes 343.73
Online Resources for Businesses
Company Information
Find company profiles, histories, rankings and investment reports, and business theory and practice.
Online Courses on Technical and Business Topics
- O'Reilly* - Software and computer resources, business negotiation, financials, management, travel and more.
- Mango Languages* - Learn conversational skills in one of 60+ languages or take an ESL course taught in 15 different languages.
- Transparent Languages for Libraries – Brush up on English when traveling to the U.S. for business or pleasure.
Investments and Finance
Comprehensive information on stocks, mutual funds, investment indexes, popular newsletters with insights from investment experts, and actionable investment ideas.
News Stories About a Company or Industry
Coverage of all business disciplines, complemented by a selection of international, U.S., and regional news publications.
- Business (Gale OneFile)
- Communications and Mass Media (Gale OneFile)
- Insurance and Liability (Gale OneFile)
- Health and Medicine (Gale OneFile)
Read Online Versions of the Following Newspapers
Free Access to Online Newspaper Articles
Search for articles in a newspaper for information you need.
- Boston Globe 1980-Present
- New York Times *
- Wall Street Journal Online *
- Washington Post Online *
* Resources with an asterisk can be accessed from home by Lexington residents with a library card, but anyone can access them from inside the library.