Do you (or someone you know) experience the frustration of no longer seeing well enough to read books?
Do you feel dependent on other sources for local and world news because you have trouble reading newspapers and magazines?
Cary Library has acquired a Merlin Video Magnifier which makes it possible for patrons with low vision to:
- more easily read books, magazines, and newspapers
- look at photographs, even on a smart phone
- write checks, manage finances, make a shopping list, write a greeting card, fill out forms
The Merlin Video Magnifier offers the latest in low vision technology, including:
- a full High Definition (HD) camera, giving a wide field of view with amazing detail
- a 20" LCD monitor with 1280x720 resolution
- simple, easy-to-use tactile controls
- LED lighting for truer picture quality
- a wide range of adjustable magnification
- adjustable viewing modes for high contrast personalization
The Merlin Video Magnifier is available in the main Reading Room at all times that the library is open. Just ask!
For more information, contact one of our Reference librarians; they will be happy to arrange a demonstration this equipment for you!
This technology was made possible through gifts made to the Cary Library Foundation by members of the Lexington community.