The Library’s Large Meeting Room is equipped with a hearing loop, as well as an Assistive Listening System.
A hearing loop magnetically transfers microphone or other sound signals to hearing aids and cochlear implants that have a “telecoil” receiver. An Assistive Listening Systems using an FM signal to transfer sound signals to a receiver and set of headphones that the user wears.
The library also has an Assistive Listening System installed in our Living Room program space on the main floor. Receivers are made available for all meetings in the library spaces that have Assistive Listening Systems installed.
We strongly encourage all outside groups to use the microphones for any meeting held in the Large Meeting Room. Further information is available about the hearing loop and its benefit to those with hearing loss.
We also have an portable Assistive Listening System for Lexington residents who hold meetings outside the library. Further information about the Assistive Listening System and how to place a reservation.